a town called E.

By Eej

Ain't no sunshine ...

This morning the Beloved took our temp-doggie to the shelter. He called me at work to tell me that they were able to take her in right now.
So, I cried and cried and cried all over the embroidery machine and the Beloved later admitted that during the drive there he considered turning back several times.

It was just not meant to be.

But my head keeps spinning. What if she did really belong with us? What if she was sent to us for some unknown reason and we sent her away? What if they don't find her a forever-home soon? Oh the insanity that is my brain.

The cats are so happy though. Their backyard belongs to them again and there is much rolling around and yelling. We interpret that as happiness :)

The Beloved and me are both a bit mopey. Well, he is mopey, I'm flat-out weepy. It is one thing to tell yourself over and over again that you are not going to get attached, and another thing to actually NOT get attached. We did well on the first, the last part is not such a resounding success :/

In a few years, when we're better off and the cat numbers have diminished we'll go to that same shelter and find ourselves a good girl, like our Guinness.

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