Delightful, delicate and delicious

That was the coffee, not me!

Today is "D" day.

I engaged in an interesting experience this morning - "me time". I dropped my car off for a service, and having decided against taking a courtesy car (at £1 per 6 miles for fuel and £6 for insurance, it would have cost me more than it was worth to get me back home!), I wandered a mile or so up the road into Warrington town centre. I went and mooched around Waterstones and bought lots and lots of books, then I went to one of the many coffee houses, sat outside in the sun with my large latte and indulged in people watching and reading. It was glorious. I haven't done anything like it before - I think I might do it again tomorrow. No phones, no email, no students, no marking, nothing on my mind - blissful. In fact it was almost bordering on decadant which is definitely not like me at all.

So, defining me with the letter D has turned out to be very straightforward as it happens. In fact my list is long...

Dippy, ditsy, dinky and bordering on diminuative. I'm my Dad's girl, even now. I'm not at all dainty, in fact I'm often a danger to myself, doorways are my enemy - they jump out at me. I like to dance, but don't do it very well. I can be a bit delicate at times, especially at weekends, when I am perpetually drowsy and all of my niggling physical defects remind me that they are there (dyspepsia is one of those). Sometimes daring, often very direct, occasionally diplomatic (but it isn't my strong point!).

I have my dark moments, when depression takes me over, usually in the winter months when Seasonal Affective Disorder gets me, but not as bad as it gets my brother. I can be a bit of a diva, demanding of others and determined, usually to get my own way.

In the past I have been less than discerning in my choice of people to associate with. I am more diligent about my decisions these days, determined that I will not allow myself to be downtrodden. My divorce five years ago still makes me a little dismayed, because I didn't have the determination to make the right decision that would have given me a different life earlier. However, I know that however destructive that relationship was, there are still positives, like my wonderful son, who I am utterly devoted to, and had I not stuck at it as long as I did, then fate would not have conspired to bring Corin into my life - and therefore I would ultimately not have become his doting wife (it makes me smile right down to my core that I am his wife).

I can occasionally be a bit dim, and sometimes dull too. A bit of a divvy some would say. I can roar like a dragon too, if the circumstances require it.
Ultimately though, I am a little Domestic goddess, who is a dab hand in the kitchen, who is keen to demonstrate to those who she loves that she loves them unconditionally. I am dependant upon those around me to make sure I remain "down to earth". I think I am pretty dependable, but only my friends can assure you of that.

Oh, and apparently, I am a Davina McCall lookalike, who has a doppelganger somewhere in Canada , across the road from a fellow blipper! I'm waiting for photographic evidence to support that claim!!!

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