
By Barking

Coming home

Well, our departure was delayed by 24 hours so we spent yesterday on the beach. I was a bit gutted that I was going to be another day away from my puppy, but I survived.

We got up at 4 am and caught the bus to the airport. There was much nashing and wailing (from the students) as they tore themselves away from their billets. Finally we got to the airport and I took this shot of our plane.

After more than 12 hours of travelling (4 of which were in an aeroplane), we are finally home. The kids are back with their families. My puppy is snoring at my feet and I have just finished a cold beer.

We had a good time, tiring, but good. One of the parents' gave us a lovely bunch of flowers each when we got to Christchurch airport, so it's nice to know that they appreciate the work we do. One parent asked if we got paid extra for the extra day and as I was tired, I told him straight that I had just taken his child away during my school holidays for NO extra pay. He seemed to get it then and thanked me, realising that it isn't just a 'jolly' for us teachers.

Still, tired now and had better go to bed. Good to be back home and good to be back on Blip. The internet access is sooooo slow in NC, I am glad that I can use a decent connection again. If you can bear it, here is a link to the beginning of my New Caledonia photos.

The one of the 'white yacht' is now on Flickr, it was a very slow internet cafe problem!


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