
By mar


Apprehension - Anticipation, mostly of things unfavorable; distrust or fear at the prospect of future evil.

Went back and forth on what to do with the 200 blip, how to celebrate it with the proper snap showcasing a 200. But in the end, had to come back to this one as it sums up the day.

Charlotte had her first procedure at Children's hospital today (this is the first of many she will have this year). We've always been honest and open with her, but no amount of words or cuddles could take away the apprehension she was feeling all morning, although we tried our best -including free range of the iPad! ;)

Lars, her dental doctor who is THE most calming person in the world (next to Michael of course) talked Charlotte threw everything. Luckily today wasn't that bad (next week ... well let's just say it won't be much fun Tuesday night). But today was good!

So good, we did a bit of shopping in Birmingham before heading to another appointment in another hospital.

But it was all good and very positive and we couldn't be prouder of Charlotte if we tried.

Charlotte was born with a bi-lateral Cleft lip. Huge thanks has to go to Birmingham Children's Hospital and especially CLAPA for all their fabulous work.

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