
By mar

Friendship... is not something you learn in school

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
~Muhammad Ali

What a busy day. After the school run, met with the lovely Ann (@violamaths) again today. We went to Vivi's first for a quick cup of coffee before heading to Coalport (where the Children's gallery Michael and I created 10 years ago is being re-designed), then to Blists Hill, where the Foundry was working but the bakery wasn't making cinnamon rolls, then to Ironbridge (where this picture was taken) for another coffee and good catch up on gossip about everything.

After, I picked Charlotte up from school - or so I thought. As it was Open Evening, Charlotte's gymnastic team was performing a display but not until later so I went to a friends for a quick coffee before coming back to the school (with Charlotte's friend) to see the demo. Luckily, Michael was able to leave work early and got there just in time to see it also. Afterwards, we were allowed to see Charlotte's work and class. We were very proud of her results (higher achiever in the year above in most subjects). We also were able to meet her new teachers for next year (yes, 2 teachers... don't ask).

Afterwards we had a relaxing night at home as a family. We even ate together tonight! Whoo hoo!

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