Happy Birthday To Stine :)


This picture needs a bit of explaining of what happened prior to this...So here it goes:

I decided I was going to bake a cake for Stine as part of her birthday gift and Anthony wanted to help as well. So we came to my house and baked two little circular pans of funfetti batter. The pans were slightly...dented...so the cake was slightly...lopsided...But that was okay it didnt look horrible just looked funny. Our My brilliant idea was to put a layer of chocolate in the middle of the two cakes to hold them together. But um...well I had another brilliant moment and decided that gummy bears would also be quite delicious in between the two layers. (I mean gummy bears are always good so why not)...So we had a lopsided chocolate gummy bear layered cake which we then smothered in vanilla icing. *Anthony would not like to take credit beyond the vanilla icing*...Then I took the icing writing thing (One of those cans like spray cheese only it had icing in it! brilliant...) and began writing Happy Birthday Stine!. Only minor problems happened and the icing can was not functioning properly...So the word happy came out nicely but then after that the word birthday was an illegible mess as was 'Stine'. Next I decided it would look prettier with the gummy bears ontop too! So we put those on top. And then we put it in the fridge....

But the fridge has a divider thing on the shelf above where i was putting it and I didnt notice so ummm the letter T in the word STINE was sort of...destroyed... No big deal though I covered that with more vanilla icing and tried to rewrite the name. Then my mommy came home with sprinkles so I figured a nice layer of sprinkles would look good...But the sprinkles kind of had a mind of their own...So there was far too many sprinkles... *END OF CAKE DEBACLE*

This is Stine...Wondering what in the world is wrong with her birthday cake. (Added note: Stines family was counting on me to make the cake so it was the only cake). The cake was edible though...

A close up view of the cake

Happy birthday Stine I hope you had a lovely lovely time :)

"In a very good sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read"
-S. I. Hayakawa

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