Digging 10: Tea break!

Just noticed that J is almost in a life.turns pose. Hmmm, an idea is forming!

This is the most important part of any day :) In fine(ish) weather we sit out on the steps, otherwise we try to cram into the small site-hut. Two new diggers arrive on Monday, we might have to build an extension! It's at tea break when we tell tall tales of digs past, bitch about the pay and conditions and curse our ageing knees; the last one is just me, actually :(
We have a good team working... I'd only ever actually dug with J before, but we all have many mutual friends from sites past. In some ways working on a site like working in a play (judging by what acting friends say). You come together for 6 weeks or six months, working intensely as a team; quickly get to know who you can trust to do a good job, maybe not see people for years, then work together again...
Well maybe not really much like theatre, but the job security is about the same....

RIGHT! off to clean the entire flat. Meles is home tomorrow! YAY!! :)

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