occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

Central Market

I went to my happy place this evening. I love grocery shopping.
This week has not been my favorite.. though, not wanting to be Debbie Downer, I'm not going to get into it.
Today was absolutely gorgeous. All I wanted to do this afternoon was grab a blanket and go read in the park. I am definitely doing that tomorrow - in spite of the heat.
Worked a lot on Biostats today. Utterly frustrating. It's hard for me to ask for help. But I need help. I will be asking for help, in person, tomorrow.

Today is one of those days where I miss having roommates. I just want to be around people and hang out. I need socialization.

A woman came up to me as I was turning away from taking this shot. I explained the idea of one photo a day (at least) and blipfoto itself. I don't think she was as interested in the website as she was in the idea. She asked if I had the ideas for all the photos I wanted to take in a week since it would be difficult to get off work and then "go take a meaningful picture". Ha.. oh.. my dear woman. If only there were a method to my madness. To all of our madness. But there isn't. Some days they just aren't that meaningful.. but then others I want to live through over and over again.
That's the beauty and the curse of blip to me though. I bring my camera with me everywhere, but I did not want to take a photo today. As I pulled into the parking lot of Central Market I cursed myself for making this my goal goal this year.
I never considered myself to have willpower before. However, more than half of the year has passed.. and I'm still posting a photo every day. That's enough to make me smile tonight.

I hope you've had a day that can make you smile too. (Cheesy? Yes. But smiling is contagious. So smile at people. Pay it forward.)

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