Minute to Win It

This is Jason. He's a fellow MedSci/1st yr medical student with me. This is what we medical students do before lecture: we play minute to win it. Jason's challenge was to successfully stack into a pyramid all of these red Dixie cups and then successfully unstack them (diagonally) in under a minute.
Alas, if you look closely, you will see a double-stacked cup at the base. Poor form, J. Poor form.

My "Minute to Win It" challenge was to start with an oreo cookie on my forehead and get it into my mouth without using anything except my facial muscles. I did it with two cookies in less than 40 seconds --HUZZAH! I've found my true calling.
I so would have won that million dollars or whatever the prize is.
I've never seen Minute to Win It, so this was all surprising and new for me.

I guess it sort of goes without saying, but after orientation this morning, we had a "Fun Day" of competitions between the six colleges of our first-year class. And a student organization fair. I joined a lot of clubs: Neurology, TMA, AMA, SAAO, women's osteopathic association (can't remember the acronym, I really only joined because of the t-shirt. honesty is the best policy), .... there were more. I should probably remember them.

Still praying for good news.

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