What will I post tonight...

Believe it or not,

What a start to the day.

R had to go for her MMR booster, and as we were about to leave the house she got wind of the fact that she was going to the doctors. 'I'm fine, I'm fine, I don't need to go to the doctors', and then ran away and got herself more and more wound up. Poor wee lamb a needle in each arm simultaneously, but thankfully that is her till she is 12. Straight after that it was Baby B going in for her 8week check, She was none the wiser but again 2 injections. Not happy....! In our house the injection parent is me... That must be because I am cold hearted and un-caring. :-(

So late starting work... It was supposed to be a day of doing my appraisal blurb but too many other and more preferable things came my way.

Took a raft of photos and they were all crap, so you can have a wee self portrait of me have a wee moment of blip malaise

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