
By reminisce

A really 'good' Friday

This was a Friday I did many things I liked. It rained really well and I got to got out and enjoy it myself despite being at work. I tried clicking rain drops and many other random shots but none really to my satisfaction. So this is what I chose.

In other events, I've met someone at work with a common interest in wildlife and nature. She and her husband actively drive down to various wildlife and forest locations. I was introduced to her through a friend B who is also into wildlife and helping me organize the Sundarban holiday. She and B are good friends and talk affectionately about each other but are quite different in their perspectives of working in the wild. B told me she is a really good person. I got in touch with her through our internal IM and I met her in the evening. She was just an easy person to talk to with no hassles at all. The common enthuse about wildlife was all it needed for us to bond. After a short but enthusiastic exchange of conversation, she invited me over to her place. I was curious and we made it. After all it was a Friday night.

We had more in common than our love for animals. We were in related professions too. We had common contacts and all of this got the introductions very quickly through and lots of conversations ensued. Her husband A is a wildlife photographer. They seem to have decided not to have kids, own a dog, and aquarium and have a full time nanny only to take care of the animals when they are at work or traveling! Her dog a black and tan dachshund so much reminded me of my dog who died at 16. Her dog Macho was also 16 and almost blind but really sweet. Conversations about experiences and funny incident about the characteristic behavior of our dogs kept us talking a lot. I just could not stop mentioning my dog Rolo. Then more conversations about travel plans, visits to wildlife zones over weekends, Ladakh and of course some venting out about the brand O that we work for. This followed by a good dinner, lovely rainy weather and plans to meet up more often ended a really good evening late. I was happy to have finally found my way ... few steps to what I dreamed of always and never knew how I would even do what I dream about. I have not been in such a good mood in a long time.

I'm looking forward to meeting D more often, and any possible weekend trips in their SUV (which they bought just so they can travel often)!

I didn't lose my Exif data using the Edit and Upload option as farside mentioned.

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