
By reminisce

A busy Saturday morning

... when I made time to blip. This is the last weekend before our vacation to finish all the pending planning. The car needs to be up and running and I had it serviced 3 weeks back. The service guys don't seem to value their customer's time. So they did a mediocre job and I had to send it back today for another round of check up. I want the car to be in a good condition before our 2000 km drive. As usual they came up with an expensive part replacement option, but I don't have much of a choice now. They will get back this week with the part. And I still have to change the tyres. Will do it this evening. I spent some more time marking out our finalized route on Google maps so I can print in office on Monday. I've done a good amount of research on this and our new friends yesterday also suggested this same route I've planned.

I am hoping for a good journey in which I will try to drive the highways the most I can. I seem to be slowly getting into the virtual networks related to Wildlife conservationists and all that's happening. I have a long way to go but my start is satisfactory. I've also mailed my friend to book for the 2 of us at Sunderbans. Its going to be expensive for just 2 people, but our friend who thought of joining us wont be able to make it. That would have reduced the cost by at least 4-0%. The more the people, the better a price package you get. Four was a good number but we'll be on our own, and I think that's also fine. I'll have more time to do things my way. I'm looking forward.

It rained wonderfully today. It was cloudy since morning. I zoomed into the garden around the pool below and got this shot. Not great but I love looking at plants after its rained. The color shines with rain water. It all seems washed clean.

Just having some ginger tea and a brownie now. Won't be long before I make my own brownie, but till then the ones from the office bakery will do. They are just great!

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