
By reminisce

The rains continue over the weekend

It has continued to be rainy and is drizzling even now. The rain falling on the pool made some lovely patterns and I've captured it from my balcony. Thanks to my long zoom camera.

Have really done nothing much today, except follow up tiger news on Facebook and have plans to go see the flat before our next week long trip to Pondicherry. Made the checklist of things to carry, got new tyres for the car and bought a car vaccum cleaner, a machine that can fill air into the tyres and neck rests and still have to get a car mobile charger. Cool thing is this machine has a meter to read the pressure and even better is it can fill air into my cycle too :) Its got a torch and a way to make the light blink to warn someone in the dark when you have a flat tyre. Since we'e now settled for tubeles tyres it will be better in the long drive. I'm really looking forward to this road trip as it will be our first.

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