
By Pix

My art

A quick blip today, of not much interest to anyone but me. We used to photograph our children's artwork (before discretely binning most of it) for posterity (and to save space). So I am doing so with my own, recording it that is, not binning it, but these things can get lost...

So, this is a sample of my 'O' level (yes I am that old) artwork from school. Many a happy hour was spent (the night before the deadline) doing these pictures mainly for my homework - still remember it now, Thursday evenings the night before the art lesson each week, with that funny programme with Aneka Rice and a helicopter (Treasure Hunt?) on the telly distracting me from my task. For me, my art at school was always marred by the teacher's reaction to my work. Whilst I knew I was one of the best in the class, he was always very critical of what I did (and now I can see why), and I think I reacted badly to citicism - I like what I did, and the way I did it, and I didn't want to change that for him. Shame he couldn't find the right why to motivate/inspire me, I have hardly drawn anything since.

By the way, this is making an appearance now as it one the "treasures" I found whilst clearing out the attic :)

Sometime later: went out to "the kiosk" for lunch on the prom, and popped into the charity shop and bought myself a nice(?) 1960s brown Wedgwood dinner service for a tenner! I can now dispense with my plastic orange camping plate :) Took some photos of seagulls check here for the latest NoodlePix PeelPix.

Just been for a run along the the coastal path to the north, joined the old Peel to Ramsey railway line (which closed down the year I was born), til I'd done 5k then turned round and back the same way (normally avoid out and back routes, but to make it into a loop would have been much too long).

Note: yesterday's blip went up quite late, so please have a look if you missed it.

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