Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

A woman possessed.

Today has been very up, down, up, down. it's been boiling hot, it's rained and now it's boiling hot again. Cutting my losses, I decided to cook a roast beef and end the weekend on a high, by having a family Sunday dinner. My husband agrees that this is a great idea, on one condition. We have to have horseradish sauce.

Of course, this is the one thing we don't actually have, so I decide to make the 20 minute drive to the nearest supermarket that has a British Foods aisle because, obviously, I am a Fantastic Wife. ;)

Oh. My. Goodness. I don't know what came over me, as the next thing I knew I was cramming my trolley with biscuits, Robinsons squash, chocolate, tea (I don't even drink tea!), custard powder and, of course, His Lordship's favourite horseradish sauce. It wasn't until I was driving home that it occurred to me that I had, in fact, just blown $100 on food that I would never in a million years have bought when we lived back in the UK. Ok, except maybe for the chocolate ;)

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