roots and wings

By rootsandwings

northern michigan summers

last night as we wandered around the michigan brown trout festival held every year in my town, my brother leaned over and said 'wouldn't it be amazing if it could always be summertime in northern michigan?' you see, it is a pretty special thing. and we have to make the most of it, because it doesn't last long!

my brother came to visit for a few days, and there was lots of adventures to be had, making choosing this blip mighty tough. today we snorkeled a shipwreck in lake huron, went for a walk in the woods (learning new plants along the way, stopping every once in while to consult the bird guide), and cooked trout over a fire in preparation for a family picnic at oceoc falls. quite a wonderful day! but in the end, i decided on a photo that has nothing to do with those adventures. i just love the way you can see the veins of the leaf and the blue sky shining through the trees.

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