A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Carl turns into a wall

Which reminds me of one of my favourite jokes: magician walks down the road and turns into a shop.

Making efficient use of time as we wait for a long overdue bus. The power of blip is such that there was instant and unquestioning compliance. Marvellous.

Early start to head back to London this morning for a couple of manicly productive days whilst the kids enjoy a mini-break with grandma and grandpa. I'll give myself a 7/10 for today with a must do better for tomorrow.

As for tonight we have an exciting evening of holiday clothes shopping at Westfield ahead with the carrot* of a lovely dinner at a local hostelry as reward.

Yay, bus here finally. Though slightly disappointingly just the one.

Lesley x

* hopefully a bit more than that, obviously, or the carrot wouldn't be much of a carrot, if you follow me.

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