Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


We were both in the Hobie Surf Store. She was just across the aisle from me when I spotted her. Hesitantly I said, "Mallary?" Immediately in a surprise moment we knew we had found each other in the quaint art village of Laguna Beach.

The moment erupted with hugs, laughter, and spontaneous chatter. Her hubby and two children were with her and Mr. Fun was with me. It was a family moment, Blip Family! It was a supreme moment. I had goosebumps all over me. Still do. Also had eyes filled with tears. Mallary and her family live in Oregon, and are here in Laguna Beach vacationing with their larger extend family.

Mr. Fun and I had just walked right past the Hobie store to the Laguna Post Office to mail a package to Dorrit in Florence, Oregon. As we were mailing the package the postal clerk said, "Florence? that's a fabulous city. They have a wonderful rhodendrum festival every year!" The two of us laughed and giggled as the clerk weighed the package and told us the estimated arrival date (of Wednesday--Dorrit, watch your mailbox).

Then we began walking back toward our car and I kidded Mr. Fun about stopping in the Laguna Bakery for a macaroon and a coffee. As we were about to pass the Hobie Store, Mr. Fun said, "Hey, I want to duck in here to see the skimboards."

"Okay," I said, while I continued to quietly look at everyone we strolled past because I thought there would be a remote chance, really remote, that Mallary and her family just might be out walking through this little community seeing the sights and I really wanted to meet her. We had never met before. AND then it happened. I spotted her.

I looked at her and she looked at me and we knew! If Mr. Fun had not wanted to stop to see the skimboards, we would have missed them. Yeah, we would have.

So the six of us walked to the Laguna Bakery, bought the kids each a cookie and coffees for us and talked and talked and talked. The kids were so amazingly well behaved as we adults chatted, but certainly they needed to move about some, so we walked out of the bakery to find a place to take some photos. Mr. Fun captured lots of good photos today, but it is slightly after 5:30 p.m. and the two of us are sitting in the Laguna Library with my laptop, downloading photos and uploading my blip, so I'm going to go with the best one and resist the urge to make a collage.

Mallary and I have had a special relationship since we connected here in Blipland last autumn. She is a very special blipper (as most all of you are), but we had a connection that defies description. I love her page and the things she photographs and writes. We comment on each other's pages almost daily. I love her like a daughter. Today my family got bigger and it is no longer "just virtual" . . . it's for real.

Today has been magical. I'm still pinching myself and considering the wonder of it all.

The two of us are about to unplug this laptop and to spend the evening wandering through the open air art gallery displays at the Pageant of the Master Festival Grounds and maybe even go across the street to the Sawdust Festival and wander through there too. Both places should have live music playing and that's always fun. We have our stuff to stay overnight and at some point we'll have to decide if we're going to get a room somewhere on the coast, or if we should make the 45 minute drive home and then tomorrow head out for another adventure near the coast. Mr. Fun is off work this week and we're playing.

So that's it for this magical Monday. I love Blipfoto! Thanks Joe for creating this place of wonder -- just amazing!

Rosie & Mr. Fun, aka Carol

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