
I generally speaking never blip so early in the day (It's 11:00am New York time) so I have nothing exciting to tell you about my day. Except i will be going to the gym and beach later =D!

I'm going to hit 50,000 views on my blipjournal today =]!!!! I'm at 49,920 right now...404 entries, 53 subscribers, and almost 50,000 views! That excites me. hehe

I know i swore of early blipping a few weeks ago when I missed beautiful shots in the evening. But I'm not bringing my camera to the beach anyway...or the gym for that matter. Well have a lovely day everyone!!!! =]

Please please please vote for my Bella doggy!!! Its free and easy takes about 2 minutes to register. All you have to do is sign in and then vote three times each day =] Help us win!! :)
Register to vote here!!!
Then click here to get to Bellas page!!!
When you get to the page click save vote to vote...but don't forget to vote three times!!! =] Just think about it if everyone who views todays picture takes two minutes to register and vote...I'm quite positive Bella and I would win! Thank you!

Ew...a year ago one of the top 10 low moments in my blip career...

"It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems, and that in time, the grief lessens. It may not go away completely, but after a while it's not so overwhelming."
-Nicholas Sparks

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