
By mar

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
~Dan Rather

Big day for Charlotte. The day the braces go on. If it was a normal set of braces, it would be one thing, but it wasn't.

Charlotte's two front teeth are sideways and backwards. It sounds complicated because it is. There are lots of reasons why this procedure was difficult but after all was said and done, Charlotte was a brave little girl and never moaned or complained once. Lars was of course very instrumental in this as he explained every step, every piece of equipment and every move he made to Charlotte before making it.

Afterwards, Charlotte was well enough to do a bit of shopping so we were able to spoil her a bit before heading home. She also got full power over the Ipad again...

Within an hour Charlotte said 'Mom, it feels like I've always had these on my teeth!' Brilliant! And I have to say, the braces really suit her!

At night, Mommom finally called us - at 11pm! One day she'll get the time zone right ...

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