
By Mimthing

End of the day.

The week preceeding the Bishop Wilton Show is a very busy time for the committee and all the willing helpers.
From Tues to Friday we meet on the field at about 6.30pm to *build up*
Tuesday is measuring out the rings and marquee areas and getting the posts in place.
Wednesday, the marquees arrive during the day and are erected, nightime see's us roping the rings. I didn't get there till late as I had taken Dotty and boys to watch Uncle Ian compete in a local auto-test.
Thursday is roping the carpark and entrance areas, this year we also laid -temp till show day over- a huge electricity cable to bring power from the massive, almost silent, generator to the whole field. No more mini genie's droning away in the background.

This photo was taken at 10.29pm, the glow of the red sunset highlighting the marquees was far more beautiful than I have shown here.
As we left the field, none of us were aware that the farmer -whose land we use for the show- had passed away earlier this evening. He supported the show whole heartedly and was a joy to know, never a bad word and was always quick to compliment.

A true gentleman.


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