Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

She Sells Sea Shells

Bought a new laptop today and have spent half the day trying to get it set up.

Doesn't help when you can't find half your program installation discs.

I also had to go and get a new ball cock assembly due to finding that the seal was away and we had an 'overflow problem'

Went and bought a new unit..................Universal fit.

No it bloody isn't.

However, I only found that out after failing to turn off the water at the isolation valve (which had been painted over and was set to0 low behind the toilet waste pipe to get a screwdriver into) and having to climb into the loft (complete with gammy shoulder and knee) and turn off the 3 valves coming out of the tank....haven't a clue what 2 of them are for.

Was able to canabalise the NON universal unit and replace the washers so it wasn't a complete waste of time/money.

Almost forgot to get a blip..........but was handed the latest creation by SWMBO so that is what you get.

almost forgot........Scottish rugby team are crap.

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