Base Camp...

Time:1630 hours

Base camp established approximately 3 metres due south of currently permanent domicile. Bedding and teddys installed. Awaiting evening sustenance.

Time:1845 hours
T(tent) minus 45 minutes. Apres dinner walk completed. Initiating pyjama putting on sequence before cartoon calm time.

Time:2020 hours
If you are reading this, we have successful networking with the local (my house network) WiFi hotspot.

We have successfully carried out the milk, grapes and story stage, passed the song and re-organising bed stage and are now fully into the fidgety re-reading stage. Even reading the embryonic evolution section from my book hasn't bored them to sleep.

Time:2100 hours
We've passed through the fidgety stage and are well and truely in the inquizative stage. Man, toddlers can talk. Questions that have been posed include: What are the bones in your ear like? What are petals on flowers for? What about neck bones? Amongst several other hundred.

Time:2130 hours
We may have our first sleeper. Things have been slightly subdued in the last 30 mins and it's good awfully quiet in Ewan's corner behind me.

Time:2135 hours
Both soldiers gone to land of nod. Bethany decided that as Ewan was asleep we should all try and sleep. Two minutes later the deed was done. Time for a ait of reading and gameboy. Night, night.

Sushi(the cat) decided to visit the troops making an un-authorised entry under the fly sheet. Daddy under-estimates his resilience to sleeping on hard surfaces which has obviously diminished since getting the cloud like memory foam mattress and bed a couple of months ago.


Due to increasingly dropping temperatures, the Daddy had to do a covert reversal of earlier project codenamed 'Taapps aff'. Successfully replaced pyjama tops without waking recipients.

The soldiers wake after a full night sleep and without the obligatory Ewan grumpiness. Morning sustenance obtained from kitchen and consumed in tent.


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