
By jens

He Sees the Light

Last Monday I saw a group handing out food at Olympic Plaza - a meeting place for homeless people in downtown.
I got in touch with and spent my day with some of them - Ernie, Harley, Joane and Aron.

The Lighthouse group serves the poor for about 5 years every Moday at the Olympic Plaza in Downtown Calgary.
The started with two people distributing homemade sandwiches to people in need.
Nowadays they get food and cloth donations from different companies - the biggest challenge is to collect all the things from the stores.

I had interesting discussions and accompanied them while they where collecting and preparing food for the homeless.
This day showed me how little is needed to get started and help people in need.

At 7 pm the group and me were distributing 200 sandwiches, hundreds of bananas, apples and coffes to everyone who wanted to have something.

SHortly before leaving the a young homeless boy wanted to pray with the group and opened his heart to them,

It was very emotional to see some roughneck from the street opening his inner to strangers.
The group told me that these incidences are happening.


Over the weekend Marian and me where in Saskatchewan. See
here and here

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