Planko's Pics

By planko


Gran and Grandad were over for a very early Sunday dinner today as Mrs P is working tomorrow, so I only had a few minutes to play around with the camera this morning and try and take some shots of the roses I bought her last night.

Just reviewed them and there's tons wrong with them, so no flower shots for blip today :(

Definitely need patience and a lot of time, not to mention trial and error to take pictures of flowers against a black's a lot harder than I thought!

G & G both fell asleep on the sofa after dinner, which was a prime blip opportunity but Mrs P wasn't having me take a shot as it would wake them up. True enough, I got up to go and get something & Grandad woke up.

Gran is a massive gardener, so she had her usual inspection of the veg plot and said more than once that the onions and garlic looked like they were ready for harvesting.

I took the hint and pulled them out and put them in rusty old BBQ rack to dry out, hence the picture.

Pesky Princess wants to be part of life.turns, so I think we'll take some shots when in Dundee tomorrow and see how she does....


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