Ingunn in Oslo

By IngunnInOslo


I hope you are not fed up with my doors. I have been so curious to see this door since it always has been open and no chance to close it since pints of beer have been going through it hasty like a neverending waterfall :-)

Today I went before the sunday marked started and saw it for the first time! And I like it! The vibrant colors and also the edgy humor. Beside the door it is a sign with the letters K.E.M. (short for the name of the company) Kem means "who" in a special dialect in Norway. So just for fun it is written on the door: is your father? and under. I should never have written that. It makes me laugh :-D

The door belongs to the club Blå and is in the same place as the First door in my serie.

I hope you all enjoy your Sunday and wish you a pleasant new week!

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