jeni and the beans

By themessymama


We've just been shopping. Mummy expected me to WALK to the shop and didn't bring the wrap or a buggy or a bike or anything!! I like walking and running, but only when I want to walk or run. And I just didn't feel like it this morning! When we got to the shop I got to sit in the trolley and look after all the food. I'm sure mummy put an icecream in there, I hope it's for me...

Mummy says we can go on the bike later today! Daddy spent a long time fixing it yesterday, he was too busy to even come inside to say goodnight, mummy had to take me outside to give him a kiss. Mummy got a bit scared last week, she said the gears kept slipping out and leaving her freewheeling, I don't know what that is but it sounds a bit scary. I wouldn't have known, she didn't let on while we were cycling, but I pay a lot of attention when mummy and daddy talk!

Daddy found out just how much attention I pay on Saturday...

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