
By 4Boys4Girls

I'm a shit

Big is better.

Just when I had decided that I really had nothing to blip today (just a few minutes ago), Viggo came to me and said that he had a mosquito bite on his testicles and that it was REALLY itchy.

I had a look and it was a tick.

So I asked Johanna to take it off (for a joke really -- I blamed my eyes), and I got my camera.

Then I asked Viggo if that I could please take his picture since I had taken pictures of Noah and Leo the last two days. He agreed. Viggo reminded me "don't forget I don't have any pants on".

I asked him "what did the tick feel like" ... and while he was thinking I TOOK THE IMAGE ABOVE.

I told someone on blipfoto what I had done and s/he said "You're a shit".

Those readers from Mauritius might recognize the t-shirt.

Before this "blip opportunity" came along I was going to blip a foto from the 5 I had taken this morning when I went to the harbor.

I saw this father and his daughter heading to the boat to go out to an island ... it was pouring with rain and pretty cold ... and I thought "never mind the weather when Swedes go on summer holiday they dress accordingly". Here and here (those smudges are rain drops on the lens).

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