
By lightfran

Guess who's bought a new BBQ!

We went to B & Q yesterday, to buy plants. We spied a barbeque. it was in the sale. Half Price. It had three burners and was very cool. It was also very bulky and heavy and not something we had budgeted for. We went away. We thought about it. We both agreed that it was too good a deal to pass up...

We went to B & Q today. We bought a barbeque! It has three burners and is very cool. It is currently in the garage. Tomorrow, construction begins, followed, I ssupect by a visit to the supermarket to buy burgers and sausages!

Husband is very happy and has been devouring the content of every cookbook I have that has any information on barbeceuing.

I have sacrificed valuable pot plant space for this barbecue so it had better be the centrepiece of many, many 'fabulous' burger-centric soirees, or hubby will have me to answer to :-)

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