Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Eyes of a weary mama

So our trip has ended. I spent a day at work. I'm exhausted.

The boys are full of energy and excitement, as I sit here pooped-out on the computer.

It's cold and foggy outside, so an indoor shot was a must. I haven't acclimated to the chilly weather here at home quite yet after traveling the South Pacific.

My eyes feel raw and watery. I need some sleep. I can't wait for 8pm to come around, and the boys will be off to bed.

In case you've missed it, we traveled the world the last 12 days. Here are my backblips:
Day 1 - South Korea
Day 2 - South Korea
Day 3 - Fiji
Day 4 - Fiji
Day 5 - Fiji
Day 6 - Fiji
Day 7 - Fiji
Day 8 - Fiji
Day 9 - New Caledonia
Day 10 - Australia
Day 11 - Australia
Day 12 - Traveling home
Home finally

I will start catching up on commenting tomorrow. I totally had blip withdrawals while away and managed on occasion to sneak a peak here and there.


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