Bumblings of a bee

By Beesarefine

Rescue horses

I went to Wiltshire today for a wedding.

These beautiful horses pulled a carriage which carried the bride to the churh and later delivered the bride and groom to the reception.

The horses and grooms (?) stayed in the grounds of the reception and we were able to go up to them, chat to the grooms and actually touch the horses.

I don't recall ever being so close to a horse and have never touched one. They were so good and allowed folk to pet them. One was slightly less sociable than the other and started to shake her head. Hardly surprising as we learned from their grooms that thay were, in fact, rescue horses who only two years ago were living in terrible conditions.

Not being too familiar with these animals, I don't know, but suspect, that the slight unevenness of their coats may be a reminder of their past.

Oh, and I am told that the 'one foot slightly lifted' stance is a sign that they are relaxed.

(My cousin's little dog sometimes stands with one front paw raised, but it's usually when she's watching and waiting for a treat!!)

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