Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Poor Lucy Pops...

Yesterday was Lucy's second vet visit to see what's up with her. They did some skin tests but didn't find anything so we're waiting on the bloods coming back to hopefully show what's wrong with her. According to the vetenary nurse, she wasn't a great patient either. Spitting, scratching and swiping were all mentioned, but when mama came to pick her up she was all smiles and nices. :)

A forum I'm on put forward an interesting topic today, are photographer artists? I think anyone who uses Blip would agree that yes, they are. But there were some interesting comments/questions from people I thought you may want to read (note, they don't neccessarily reflect my thoughts - I just thought these were the particularly interesting posts....):

Also do you think photographers are thieves stealing something that nature or human created?

As for artists - some are, some aren't. Some people just point a camera and take a picture, that's not art. Some people uses different lenses, zooms, angles, perspectives, etc, etc - then it's certainly art.

the most beautiful thing in the world isn't worth anything unless you can capture it well

I would not call a photographer an artist. For me, art is something that is created within the mind of person and then put existence like painting, music and other forms.

Yes, photographers are artists, there's more to photography than clicking a button and getting a picture, touching up that picture, enhancing the light, colour or doing other things to it is also part of the process, and so is choosing the right lens, shutter speed, exposure etc. Photography is an art, anyone can take a picture with a camera, doing it professionally or artisticly is an entirely different matter.

Most people can buy an expensive camera and take hundreds of pictures and hope that a small handful turn out, but a real photographer can control and make the most of their environment.

All photographers are artists, yes. Although not all people who take photographs are photographers.

There are two kinds of people in the world, Photographers and Picture Takers. The latter is recording memories the former is creating an image from what they see. To that end, they are artists in the same way a person who paints is.

Food for thought. :)

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