Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Trial and Error

Yesterday I made the cupcakes from The Hummingbird Bakery book. They came out absolutely perfectly. Unfortunately can't say the same for the layered brownie, cheesecake and raspberry cream I tried to make this evening.

Don't get me wrong, it tasted incredible but some aspects of it just came out wrong... The brownie rose but the cheesecake didn't, so it came out sort of like a brownie with a thin layer of cheesecake on top. Then it all properly went tits up when I tried to add the raspberry cream. The whipping cream didn't want to whip when I added the sugar and the rasps, and ended up in a post brain explosion looking mess. So I popped out to Asda for a last minute topping and just ended up with some spooning cream and raspberries on top. Still tasted good but definitely changed how I'd do things next time. :)

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