Canvas Print

One of the benefits of working in large format printing is that sometimes I can print something personal for free. I took this photo around this time last year and have finally gotten around to printing it.

How do I get free prints? Well, for a start I work hard...very hard, and sometimes long hours. I also do all the colour profiling of medias which can be very time consuming. Hence the reason why a lot of printing companies don't bother.

Anyway, we have an upcoming project that will need to be printed on canvas. I profiled it today on our new printer and showed the boss the results of some tests (near perfect). Then I asked if I could do a personal print. He could hardly say no what with the hours I have been doing. I chose my moment well.

Sometime soon I will mount this up (and probably blip it again!).

As you can see I had some time for R&D today. That isn't to say we aren't busy, rather I deligated well. A project that was looking like not making the deadline somehow got done and installed in time for a 1pm function. How? Dedicated staff and (probably) great leadership and (maybe) planning.

Tomorrow might see a return to normality.

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