Me and Max

By grete

The Grand Plan

He is born and bred just south of London, in the suburbs. He used to come home from school with soaking feet after accidentally slipping into the stream. Otherwise he was surrounded by roads, by fields, by woods.

No water.

Then he met me.
Did he pick me for my potential as a captains wife? Hah! Hardly.....

But Oslo (Norway) is by the water?s edge. You can swim. You can row. You can kayak. You can sail.

He does all of four of them.

I have often wondered why God dropped him down into suburbia, when he so obviously belongs here.

But there was a plan after all.
Was he not born there, he would not have been be his parents? son, my beloved parents-in-law.
Was he not born there, he would not have had English as his mother tongue (a language I love).
Was he not born there, he would not have met me.

For I went to England of course, just south of London. To the suburbs.

Off to internet-less mountains for a few days. Have a great week-end!

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