Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Leaf Obsession

I chose this title because that is exactly how it was with me taking shots of this leaf. I was walking around on my break at work and it was foggy, as usual, and I looked down and saw this very colorful leaf. I took about 15 shots of it, and hurried back to work.
During my lunch break, I went home to check my photos, and none of the shots turned out right. So, back I went after work, and I thought I could walk right over to the leaf and find it, but my memory wasn't as good as I thought and I searched for about 10 minutes walking up and down the walk way searching for my leaf. People walking by must have thought I was crazy.
Finally, I glanced up a little from where I had been looking, and lo and behold, there it was. So, I took a lot more shots of it. For some reason, that I can't explain, it intrigued me.
Well, it still didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but it is what it is.

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