C'est La Vie!

Un autre jour et la derniere randonnee.
I was a bit apprehensive about today as it was almost a reversal of Thursday's route and I remembered the wonderful downhill we had at the end and which of course was the first hill this morning.
However with his Lordship's benevolence and pacing, we took it slowly and like the tortoise in the fable, passed a lot of the hares who had skimmed past us earlier on.

We had invested in 'His and Her' outfits so that we would appear as a team of two.
'He' looked a lot better in his than 'Her' in hers if the truth be told, but the good thing about this week has been noticing that glamour and chic only extends to the 25-30 age group, or the anatomicaly skinny and unfortunately I don't belong to either group.

The weather was perfect. Little wind and sun shining out of a sky, pale blue shading to a deeper blue as the morning wore on.
Any clouds were like whiter than white puff balls.
There was dappled sunlight on the road through the forests where once there had been mud and trenches.
It is impossible to cycle around Verdun and ignore the evidence of war. One can't help wondering what the soldiers and refugees from the Battle of Verdun would think if they could see the changed landscape and the tourists enjoying the freedom and peacefulness of the area today.
I hope they would think the carnage was worthwhile.

All in all it has been a perfect day and we have to look forward to a shower and a meal before hitting the town tonight.
I think there is to be some sort of Saturday night street party to celebrate the end of the Semaine.
Actually come to think about it, our bedroom overlooks the Quai de Londres where it will kick off, so we will have a grandstand view.

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