No 19

This was the closing day of the Semaine and all the 6,000 cyclists rode through Verdun behind their countries' flags with their bikes and riders dressed in all sorts of outlandish gear, representative of their origins.

It was a chance to say 'Au Revoir' to the people of Verdun for their welcome and hospitality to us all during the last eight days.
The streets were crowded with the citizens cheering and waving a good bye to us. It was actually quite moving.

I couldn't possibly post a picture of my headwear: suffice it to say there were velvet horns and pigtails attached.
I can only tell you that I got many admiring glances and I even had some dishy young men approaching to stroke the velvet of the horns.
I think I was meant to represent a Scottish Highland cow, and I'm sure I did that with a certain amount of panache.

We are now in limbo until the bike bus leaves at midnight for the journey home.

The blip is of one of the older houses on a street which we passed every day and It looks as though it has seen some of the combat of the wars........perhaps it's just neglect. But it makes a good blip at any cost.

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