Another Day

By pcc

White Polyanthus

Amber and I braved the miserable cold wet weather this morning on our daily walk, but we did not linger. The rest of the day I have been baking and making meals for visitors arriving, and making beds as well. So my polys that I bought the other day and still have not planted came in handy, they are at the back door, and have lots of rain on them.
For a change I used the plastic lens of the Lensbaby - normally I have in the double glass.
I also used f5.6, macro+4. Sometimes the plastic lens blurs a whole lot more and often puts a halo around things, it is not very evident in this pic but there is a bit of blue halo up on the left. (I have actually taken that out now as I found it distracting) I need to experiment with this lens more yet.

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