
Ben loves splashing.

On Saturday we went down to the beach and he and his friend Ede (and Ede's mummy Christina) splashed for a looooong time in the puddles in the pebbly sand. I was still shaking sand out of his trousers this morning after they'd been dried and washed again... SPLASH!

On Sunday we went swimming and Ben discovered water slides! Down the slide and SPLASH! into the water. Again and again and again until he was literally so cold he was quivering poor thing. I bought him a bodywarmer wetsuit thing today, ready for next time.

Tonight Daddy is bathing him. Daddy remembers to put bubbles in the bath! Ben likes bubbles - but he likes splashing more :)

The ones that didn't quite make the cut....

What? What are you looking at??


Thankyou everyone who commented yesterday and the day before re grandma. xx

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