mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

What's the point?

That's what Mr Mono says about caffeine free diet coke. Fair enough. I quite like it as a drink with dinner as there's no caffeine or sugar to keep me awake at night. I'm not a huge fan of fizzy drinks but I quite like this at the moment.

Aidan was up around 1am crying. No idea why but after a nappy change (not required but worth a try), Calpol (not sure if required) and 30 minutes of cuddles/swaying/bum patting (all at the same time, mummy sitting down not allowed) he eventually went to sleep. Needless to say I was very tired today.

I meet my friend S with her twin girls at Dobbies for a coffee and a wander. It's always good to catch up, I can hardly believe how big the girls are getting. We bumped in to my mum's cousin and her husband there too. They haven't seen Aidan for a few months so I think they were surprised by how big he is now.

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