Let him pass

It's been more than four months now and last night, late night in fact was our first movie at a theater in Delhi. Inception was interesting, though it did lack its share of logical consistency. Though it was riveting while it lasted, there were a few loopholes. A product of our times, that is what it was. But seeing the high ratings, I can't help but think it's the result of a bunch of teenagers who were awed by some ideas, that might have been new to them and being unable to grasp it in its entirety, might have imagined it was more profound than it was.

Our trysts with eating out continued as SM decided to treat us tonight at Geoffrey's. Not much was very impressive except the decor. The music disappointingly was 90s pop. But still we did have a good time. After he leaves tomorrow, I'm not sure when or where we'll manage to meet him next.

The remainder of the day he decided to learn how to cycle and made some good progress by the evening.

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