One Month

31 days old... ONE MONTH!

Wow. Katie is a month old today.
In that month she has learnt many things already.

She can:
Hold her head - but then she always could
Bat toys on her playbar
Kick enthusiatically in the bath
Make it very clear when she wants food
Poop for Britain - every feed, it goes in, it comes out.
Lift and turn her head when on her tummy.
Make Mummy melt with her beautiful smile

She doesn't like:
Being naked or cold
The sun in her eyes
Being in the carseat

She does like:
Cricket and snooker
Peace, quiet and cuddles

Today we had a lovely early morning play, as we often would, just her and I whilst everyone else was sleeping. This is playing in the rainforest gym, snuggled up in her grobag still! Afterwards we had a play, her, me and her brother. I took them both into town and her brother pushed the pram. We met their Grandma in town for a trip to the sports shop!

That evening we had tea with my parents and Katie met my rabbit, Toby, for the first time (they foster him for me). She actually even touched him!

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