a town called E.

By Eej

Soft as ...

A few years ago it was recommended I'd follow an assertiveness class. And because I couldn't say 'no' to save my life anyway I went.
We'd stand in a circle making eye-contact and then tell each other our points of view. There's a Dutch saying that translates to; in the land of the blind, one-eye is king. That's more or less how that class was for me: I sucked, but many sucked harder so I came out looking pretty good and in charge. And in all seriousness, I did learn a lot.
It's different in real life though. For some reason, even knowing it will cost me more energy milling about it, confronting someone, or voicing an opinion is really, really hard.

Yesterday two of my co-workers were talking politics. And I use the term loosely because it consisted mostly of half-lies and out-of-context randomness. I hate that with a fiery adrenaline-rush-from-the-toes passion.
Did I keep quiet? Nope. Did anyone bitch slap me, or told me to mind my own business? Nope.

Today another co-worker said something that came across rather snarky.
Did I go to her office to ask her if she knew she sounded snarky and if she really meant that? Yes, I did.

Two for two.

Oh, and I also took a stand against the word 'retard' (which I also hate with a fiery etc.etc.)

Soft as nails, I am ;)

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