
By dailykeith

Signs of the times

I spotted this chap standing by the road in Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, when I was on my way home from work.

He's letting drivers know that there's a school nearby - and what a sweet way to get the message across. I've never seen anything quite like this before.

It's unlike the shout-out-loud, in-your-face, electronic dazzle boards that have started to breed and invade our towns and villages.

There you are, trundling along at a respectable speed when you are given a cardiac arrest by blinding white and red lights suddenly screaming "DANGEROUS BEND AHEAD".

Yes, I know there's a dangerous bend ahead, I've driven this road 1,000 times - and anyone new to the road will see the informative, traditional bend sign that has worked perfectly well in the past.

Phew! Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I think the fact that the new signs are so distracting makes them a hazard in themselves.

Nanny state Britain is really winding me up. But you didn't need a sign to tell you that, did you?!

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