John Van de Graaff

By VandeGraaff

Duck Derby at Allens Pond

This is an annual fund-raising event at Allens Pond. a Mass Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary in Westport MA. Supporters of the Sanctuary sponsor thousands of small, yellow rubber ducks, at $10 each (or less with a group discount--over 4,600 ducks this year). Each duck is numbered and then they are let loose all at once to race in a tidal channel as the high tide comes in.

This blip is near the end of today's race; the tide is carrying the ducks toward us, and to the right, where they meet a set of white and blue booms in a large "V" formation; the bottom of the V--the finish line--is out of sight to the right. Best viewed LARGE.

The big attraction: The winner gets to travel to have dinner for two persons anywhere in the world!!

Links to two visits to Allens Pond earlier this year to photograph Piping Plovers are here and here.

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