Snippets of Life

By betho


7am. Alarm starts ringing.

Oh silly girl why did you leave your alarm on it's a Saturday!

The slow realisation creeps into my brain....

Oh you silly girl why did you agree to work this morning?!

7.45. At work. Trying to figure out how to make the automatic door function.

It was ok though. Not as painful as i though it would be. Knowing i was getting time and a half certainly helped!

Spent a lovely afternoon with Elizabeth, watched a dvd and ate rubbish. In the evening we went and found Samuel and Mimi and had a game of monopoly in which i was rather lucky (or you might call it flukey). By the end I'd bankrupted them all and owned the whole board. Never happened to me before! It was rather fun though i felt so mean doing it! At one point i was so rich and he was so poor that i paid Sam 20 for getting me a glass of water! How disgustingly rich was i!

I do recommend playing Monopoly with 2 Spanish people. Hilarious times.

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