My Angle

By myangle

This Photo is Rubbish!

This is my Urban Texture.

I wonder how one would go about calculating how a persons daily carbon footprint is linked to their daily production of trash. Jo and I between us creat a dustbin full a week, roughly half our combined weight. Around 3 tons a year by my rough calculation. That is quite a lot. Where does it all go? The landfill at the tip must be growing at a rate of knots!

This was a very hastily taken photo, taken when I went to the tip to offload a trailer full of old chipboard. Not the best photo I have ever taken, but my visit to the tip, or recycle centre as they like to call it has had me thinking about how much we as individuals waste. Could we slow our personal waste down or would we want to? I often wonder if the packaging on products costs more than the contents, only to be ripped off and thrown away. Would buying products with less packagng really make a difference? Does using paper bags save the environment from plastic bags baut at the same time increase the number of trees being cut down?

Anyway, it made me think.

Here are a few more rubbish photos:
Jack Hynes - Project 365

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