All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The photoshoot

Today Ethan, hubbie & I went round to the Forty Two establishment. Mr & Mrs42 (and Baby42 of course) had very kindly invited us round for lunch and a photosession!

After polishing off yummy homemade soup and homemade bread, Mr42 set to work snapping away at Ethan. From what I've seen so far, some fantastic shots were taken.

Even better, after Ethan had eaten his lunch, he fell asleep and even carried on sleeping when he was transferred to Baby42s cot. How come he won't do that in his own cot?!

Later in the day we picked up a sandpit hubbie had bought for Ethan on ebay. The people who were selling it are moving house and having a clear out so also gave us an immaculate kids table and chairs. One of their neighbours was outside with them and then gave us a baby bike seat for free too - talk about bagging ourselves bargains!

When we got home it was still really warm outside, so we filled up the paddling pool in the garden and Ethan enjoyed a splash in that.

What a fab day!

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