
By Fi


Was up early for a change, even before the alarm I'd set myself, so not to waste half the day by sleeping until lunch time or something. I was awake before I'd normally have to get up for work too, so I blitzed the flat properly and caught up with washing, which, given the heat, was all dry by 11am, ready to be ironed. That won't be happening any time soon though, I'm an iron-as-you-go girl.

Did the recycling (lots of glass!) and was out on my bike by 1.15, having showered for a second time (soooo hot) and having had spot of lunch. My destination was the Old Town to catch some of what was going on after yesterday's preview, so I went the long way round, mooched about for a bit, dodging the people, and watching the proceedings outside the Presidential Palace. I didn't take that many photos, but this, for some reason was my favourite.

Then I followed my nose to Maja's, stopping along the way for a very refreshing iced raspberry & green tea at the 'bucks. I took streets I've never been down and saw things that I don't notice from the car, on the roads I was familiar with. Loving the bicycle!

She'd cooked a lovely spinach pasta, which was delicious, then after an hour or two trying to chill out there (impossible given how hot it was), the pair of us set off for Pole Mokotowskie, just as thunder clapped and the lightning struck - the start of a massive storm. We sought refuge in the Lolek pub, only for Maja to discover that she hadn't brought the key for her bike lock...having already locked her bike to the railing. Doh!

Google maps tells me that I cycled over 10 miles. I'm pleased with that!

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